Coronavirus Outbreak Opinion

Lilith  : “Hi Britta. How are you?”

Britta : “I'm not okay. Maybe I catch a cough.”

Lilith  : “Really? Have you seen to the doctor?”

Britta : “Not yet.

Lilith  : “I think you’d better check it right away because of this coronavirus outbreak.”

Britta : “What’s the matter with that?”

Lilith  : “Coronavirus is one of a danger diseases. It is danger because it can infect all ages from baby to adult. Sometimes without a symptom. But mostly does who affected are with fever and cough symptom. That’s why I recommend you to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Britta : “I think this is just ordinary cough. I don't need to worry.”

Lilith  : “How do you assure that it is an ordinary cough if you haven’t check it?”

Britta : “Corona Virus has a 14 day for incubation. So, because it’s my first day, I don’t have to go to the doctor right away. I think I better to observe my condition with in two coming days. Besides that, I will highly potential to get infected if I go to the hospital now. Because so many potential affected patients are also go to the hospital. Therefore, I could highly catch this virus even if it turned out that I wasn't infected at first.”

Lilith  : “In that case, if you don’t want to go to the hospital directly, perhaps you better consult to the doctor it through phone or application. So you will get better understanding about your health condition without being infected by other patient.”

Britta : “I think it will be a good idea to consult through online systems. Any recommendation where I can check my health condition?

Lilith  : “Well, I saw one advertisement namely halodoc. You can go to play store or app store to type “halodoc” and download it. Once it’s installed, you can explore the application about its feature. When you comfort with that, you can go through use this application to consult your health condition with the doctor.”


Britta : “It’s that trusted able application? Have you used it?”

Lilith  : “I haven’t use. But be my guest to be the first to use this application and inform me about your experience.”

Britta : “Why you don’t it first and inform me your experience.”

Lilith  : “Because since I heard the advertisement until now, I don’t have any cough symptom. But you have. That’s why I give you the chance to use it.”

Britta : “Ok then I will try to download and use the application.”


Britta : “By the way, how does corona virus actually infect to other person?”

Lilith  : “Usually since corona is a virus, it can transfer through the droplet in the air.”

Britta : “So how to prevent? Not being infected by the corona virus?”

Lilith  : “You’d better use mask, because the virus can screening the air and the virus can be blocked by the mask”

Britta : “The size of the virus is so small and it can go through the micro space within the mask.”

Lilith  : “That’s why a good mask should have 3ply or layer so if it is pass the first one, still there are remaining that can absorb this droplet.”

Britta : “Even though 3ply, if used it too long, still there are possibility to be inhale by our nose.”

Lilith  : “Yes, that’s true. And one suggestion that I have read is regularly change the mask if used it more than 4 hours. So still the mask is still prevent.”

Britta : “How about the material of the mask? “

Lilith  : “In my opinion, if it using cotton, it cannot effectively protect from the virus.  Well, to some extent, the material of cotton can protected as long as it is hygiene and wash regularly and used properly. Of course surgery mask is more effective than a cotton mask. So there has a strength and weakness of each. For fabric mask, it can be reusable so cheaper than surgery mask. The surgery mask is one time used and directly disposal. So it makes more expensive. Another factor, mostly the surgery mask is a plain without many motif and design, expect for kids. Hence it is not fashionable. However, in term of the effectiveness, of course the surgery mask is higher than the cotton mask. So I think used both mask in different situation.”

Britta : “When it’s a good circumstance to use each mask?”

Lilith  : “When we are in a place that is very vulnerable to corona with so many people in that place, we must use surgical mask. But, if we just go around to go exercise near home and not seeing many people, I suggest you can still cotton mask. Since it’s lower risk and we can saving some money to use reusable mask.”

Britta : “Is there any other way to prevent beside using the mask?”

Lilith  : “Yes, If it is not urgent, please keep away from crowded place by stay at home. Don’t invite friends to visit your home. Such as for work group home discussion or to hangout. We can do it with video conference such as google meet, zoom, line call, etc. Adopt the new normal protocol to use health protocol.”

Britta : “What do you mean by the health protocol? Could you give an example.”

Lilith  : “Health protocol is always washing your hand with soap or hand sanitizer. Also take a shower directly when you return home before touch anything.”

Britta : “Why we need to do that?”

Lilith  : “Virus can be stay in material from few hours to two three days depend on type of material. For example in the cloth, it can stay alive for 8 hours. Hence if we return home after taking bath, We must change to the new cloth and never used that cloth again before we wash it.”

Britta : “Okay. I fully agree with your opinion. I will consult the doctor using application, used the mask as necessary, and adapt new normal health protocol. Thank you for your opinion and enrichment.”


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